Monday, September 20, 2010

My Favorite Dough Recipe!

1 cup salt
4 cups flour
1 1/2 cup water
4T oil

Mix dry ingredients first then mix in water and oil slowly.
Make something.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes and paint!~

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

whats in the mail bag

We wrote letters to our parents and personally gave them to the mail carrier! He was a great sport to put up with a group of preschoolers yelling
There he is! He's coming! Yay!

Here are some simple mailboxes I made with gray paper so the children can write/draw notes to each other ^^ Nothing is happier than receiving mail!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


A few Kindergarteners and I.....
thought it would be fun to draw pictures on note cards and leave them in other children's cubbies.
Spreading good vibes, anonymously..... <3

AND, the kids gave me a BIG birthday surprise! I opened the door to the room and the children popped out yelling

so I screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamed and then shut the door on them.

good times :D

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chalk Paint

One of my favorite paint mediums is chalk painting. I like seeing the different colors in the streaks <3

Recycled fun

Kids really enjoyed this one. I like how it's not too easy, because it takes a little patience to get the magnet fully 'hooked' onto the paperclip. (This is using one of those weaker sticker magnets)

of course it looks better when colored!

The original puck we used (the yogurt lid) was too light and would often fly up in the air mid game. We eventually used a heavier circle block which glided along the board more smoothly. To mark the goals we put colored tape on the edges of the board. The bigger the whiteboard, the more fun! (I think)

Yay for free fun times!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

and so it begins..

marble painting, a classic no fail and always fun!

It's that time of year again! New incoming preschoolers with their eager faces and their colorful cartoon backpacks they love to show off. Some are daring, adventurous... must try everything. Some are taken aback by their new environment, not quite sure what to think yet!

A new routine to get used to, new friends to play with! Here we goooo......