Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A man paints with his brains and not with his hands. ~Michelangelo

We have been studying masterpieces in art. Michaelangelo, being our most recent subject is an inspiring one, indeed.

"Carving is easy, you just go down to the skin and stop," he has been quoted to say. Although we know that "easy" is relative, (especially coming from an artistic genius,) he has also been known to say how "genius is eternal patience."

Ah, patience...

This is where "it's the process not the end product" especially comes to mind. The children are "carving" bars of soap with "chisels." Children who are normally disinterested in art, hovered around the art table waiting for a turn. Soon the clean scent of soap filled the air and soap flakes scattered on tables. Bars of soap have been chipped away, not quite looking like... anything... but that is okay! The children loved it.

"How can I get mine to look like that?" one girl asks with frustration, as she looks at another child's carving.
"You just have to keep cutting and cutting it!" he responded.
She tried and tried, but didn't get her desired result that day. It took her more than one day to cut the soap bar the way she wanted, but it gave some perspective on how marvelous Michaelangelo's David really is.

Our children, already familiar with the David and Goliath story were fascinated by this statue. I played it safe and chose to display a photo showing from the waist up (see photo above) but it was inevitable... photos of the full David, in all his glory circulated around.

Giggles, snickers and pointing remind me that kids will always be kids :)